Sale Styles

How do I buy?

Due to the ever changing availability and variation of our designs, there are several different ways in which caps may be available for purchase. 

First Come, First served - Caps will be posted to our site for regular online sales. Many of our caps are completely unique so each cap has it's own listing and product image. This helps you have the best idea of the cap you will receive. Check out our In stock section for current availability.

Micro Batch Sale( FCFS) - This happens when we have many different styles of keys but wish to present them at the same time. Placeholders are set up so large batches of inventory can be dropped to the site at specific times. 

Raffle Sale -  Participants fill out a form, indicating the item(s) they are interested in, for a chance to win an invoice. There may be one or more options to choose from. Forms are normally open for 24 hours. Once closed, a random number generator ( RNG) is used to determine those that will receive an invoice to purchase a cap(s). Invoices are sent out thought our site ( and asked to paid within 24 hours.

Flash Sale- Like the raffle sale but happens in a much shorter frame of time and often happens unannounced or with little warning. The form could be open from 1-10 min with the  invoices being sent promptly. These sales are often used for smaller batches of keys. 

 Mystery/Blind sale -  A raffle sale where you do not know what cap you will receive. This type of sale may be specifically themed.